
Cosmo Bio USA 公司信息

公司名稱: Cosmo Bio USA
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網(wǎng)址: www.cosmobiousa.com


Anti 20S Proteasome Subunit Alpha Type-4 mAb (Clone GC3β)
Anti NFRKB pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti DHX16 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Pancreatic And Duodenal Homeobox 1 (PDX1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
MULTIGEL II Mini 4/20 (17W)
Anti CRKRS pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
MULTIGEL II Mini 15 (17W)
Erythrina cristagalli [ECA] Lectin (biotin labeled)
Anti Thyroid Hormone Receptor Beta (THRB) mAb (Clone H3825A)
Atelocollagen powder
Anti Gephyrin (GPHN) Residues 54-94 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Carnosine Synthase 1 (CARNS1/ATPGD1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti FTO pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
MULTIGEL II Mini 14/16 (17W)
MGL pAb (Rb)
Microhomogenizers for 1.5ml Microtubes (G-15S)276AG
Aldolase C (ZebrinII) pAb (Rb)
Anti Progesterone Receptor (PGR) Isoform B mAb (Clone H5344)
Anti SLMAP pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Pumilio RNA Binding Family Member 3 (PUM3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphatase/Phosphodiesterase 2 (ENPP2/Autotaxin) N-terminal region pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
GIP (Active Rat) ELISA
Gelatin Zymography Precast Gels (Cosmo Bio type: narrow thin plates)
Anti Alkaline Lipase pAb (Rabbit)
CosmoSonic-One Compact Ultrasonicator
Anti Human/Rat Transmembrane Glycoprotein NMB (GPNMB) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Humanin S14G pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Vacuolar-ATPase Subunit C pAb (Rabbit)
Anti TMEM63A pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Aquaporin4 (AQP4, PPX-PP-E5415A-0C-25) mAb
Anti CCDC88A pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti RUN And FYVE Domain Containing 2 (RUFY2) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Site-Directed Fluorescence Labeling, TAMRA-C6-AF (CGGG), CloverDirect
Hybridization Bags Hybri-Bag Hard
Anti PER2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Endonuclease/Exonuclease/Phosphatase Family Domain Containing 1 (EEPD1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
2D-Silver Stain Reagent II (for 10 gels)
Anti Motor Neuron And Pancreas Homeobox 1 (HLXB9/MNX1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti MyoD mAb Antibody (Clone 5F11)
Anti CACNA1I pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MED12L pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti TELO2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Arachis hypogaea (peanut) [PNA] Lectin (biotin labeled)
CD142 mAb FRT12(purified)
GluN2C (NR2C) pAb (Rb)
Anti CELSR1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Hyaluronan Oligosaccharide 8mer (HA8), Endotoxin Free
Anti DOCK4 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Collagen 4 (ALPHA)2(IV) mAb (Clone H25)
Anti AFP mAb (Clone 2065)
Anti MMP 9 mAb (Clone 56-2A4)
Raku-ryu Cup for fecal sampling
Blue Gear Plate for 50ml Tube for CosmoSonic II (Type 12/24)
Anti DAZ Interacting Zinc Finger Protein 3 (DZIP3) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Formin Binding Protein 1 (FNBP1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig) Cerebellum Set
TRAP Staining Kit TRAP染色試劑盒
Fluolid-W Yellow 540 Protein Labeling Kit
Anti PDZRN4 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti PDZD2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti ICC (Cajal) mAb (Rat)
Anti Hepatitis B Core Antigen (HBc) Determinant ALPHA mAb (Clone 3105)
Anti CENTG2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Crystallization apparatus: Capillary, 0.3mm i.d
Anti GluN2A (GRIN2A/NR2A) pAb
HBV Surface Antigen (HBsAg) L-protein (Recombinant)
Anti NEDD4L pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti RBP-Jk mAb (Clone T6709)
Anti Lactoferrin mAb (Clone K1122)
Anti Indole-3-Acetaldehyde Oxidase (Aldehyde Oxidase 2) pAb (Rabbit, Ammonium Sulfate Purified)
Anti MMP-7 mAb (Clone 176-5F12)
Compact Bone-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells (CBMSCs)
Anti ANKRD27 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Alpha-Synuclein, Recombinant, Mouse
Anti UNC5D pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
L-Glutamate Oxidase 25
Anti Keratin, Type I Cytoskeletal 18 (KRT18/Cytokeratin 18) mAb (Clone D2C7)
Microhomogenizers for 1.5ml Microtube (3810X) 226AXG
Anti Retinoic Acid Receptor Beta (RARB) mAb (Clone H4338)
Anti-Mouse Extracellular Sulfatase 1 (SULF1) (KIAA1077) pAb (Purified)
Anti PPM1E pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti CRP mAb
Anti ITCH pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti SUZ12 Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 Subunit (SUZ12) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Tubulin Gamma-1 Chain (GCP-1) mAb (Clone E39)
Anti Small G Protein Signaling Modulator 3 (SGSM3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Keratan Sulfate (KS/Keratosulfate) lacking oversulfated structures mAb (Clone R-10G)
Tris-boric acid-EDTA (TBE) Running Buffer (10X)
Anti Transferrin Receptor (TFRC) mAb (Clone 143)
Anti GLP-2 pAb
SDS-Tris-Glycine Running Buffer (10X)
15ml Resonance Rod (Falcon/Greiner tube) for CosmoSonic II
Anti TECPR2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
COS banker II [Cell Freezing Medium]
Anti 1-Oleoyl-Palmitoyl-Phosphatidylcholine (OPPC) mAb (Clone 15-3C1)
Homer 1 pAb (Rb)
Embryo manipulation instrument set
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