Modified Krebs-Ringer Bicarbonate (mKRB) medium
Anti PGLYRP4 pAb (Rabbit)
Atelocollagen coated (BETA)-TCP scaffold
Rabbit IgG purified
Anti Cryptochrome Circadian Regulator 2 (CRY2) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Arabidopsis thaliana Aquaporin TIP2,1 Delta pAb (Rabbit)
Storage Bag Sealing Clips (CL-15)
Anti BEND3 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Site-Directed Unnatural Mutagenesis, BPA (CGGG), CloverDirect
Anti Laminin Alpha-4 mAb (Clone 652C4)
Anti UBOX5 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MCT1 pAb
Anti Calprotectin mAb (Clone 134)
Anti Humanin pAb (Rabbit, Purified)
5-Aminolevulinic Acid hydrochloride (5-ALA)
Anti UNC13A pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Thromboxane A2 Receptor (TBXA2R) N-terminal region pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti ERBB2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti DSCR1 (IIM-2ATFE02) mAb
GAP43 pAb (GP)
Anti Lactoferrin mAb (Clone K1223)
MULTIGEL II Mini 10/20 (17W)
Anti Myosin VI (MYO6) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti CD63 Antigen (LAMP-3/Tspan-30) mAb (Clone 8A12, Biotin Labeled)
Anti AFP mAb (Clone NB-011)
Anti Ectopic P-Granules Autophagy Protein 5 Homolog (EPG5) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Septin 8 (SEPTIN8/SEPT8) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 Gamma (HNF4G/HNF4-Gamma) mAb (Clone N3224)
Anti Fc Fragment Of IgA And IgM Receptor (FCAMR) mAb (Clone TX61)
Atelocollagen, DMEM Low Glucose
MULTIGEL II Mini 14/16 (13W)
Anti IST1 Factor Associated With ESCRT-III (IST1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti TNRC18 (KIAA3004) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Peroxisomal Biogenesis Factor 5 Like (PEX5L/PXR-2) mAb (Clone H0502)
Anti Centrosomal Protein 104 (CEP104) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
KBM ADSC-1 (Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Culture Medium)
KCC2 (931-971) pAb (Go)
Anti Proopiomelanocortin (POMC/ACTH) mAb (Clone HATC22)
CK-B pAb (GP)
Anti CEP57 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti SWI/SNF Related, Matrix Associated, Actin Dependent Regulator Of Chromatin Subfamily C Member 2 (SMARCC2) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti DOCK3 pAb (Rabbit, Purified)
UIBC Assay Kit (Bathophenanthroline)
Anti SLC25A25 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti RAGE mAb (Clone 1C5)
Anti Pitrilysin Metallopeptidase 1 (PITRM1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MMP 13 mAb (Clone 181-15A12)
Acrylamide, monomer for Electrophoresis
Hyaluronan Oligosaccharide 14mer sodium salt
Anti Phospho RNA Polymerase II CTD (Ser5) mAb (Clone MABI 0603)
Anti Opioid Receptor Delta 1 (OPRD1/DOR) mAb (Clone 1E7)
Zeolite, Synthesized
S100beta pAb (Rb)
Anti Aph-1 Homolog A, Gamma-Secretase Subunit (APH1A) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Osteoclast Culture Medium (for rat)
Anti Pepsinogen II mAb (Clone 10E11)
Anti GM3 mAb (Clone M2590)
Anti Zinc Finger Protein 217 (ZNF217) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
SIMASIMA 3-Color Prestained Broad Range Protein Ladder
Anti Zinc Finger And BTB Domain Containing 38 (ZBTB38/CIBZ) pAb (Rabbit, Purified)
Anti Elastase 1 mAb (Clone 207E10)
Anti Erythrocyte Membrane Protein Band 4.1 Like 3 (EPB41L3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Type II Collagen mAb (Clone II-4C11)
Anti IFN ALPHA mAb (Clone 3001)
DBI pAb (Rb)
Anti PHF3 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Aurora Kinase A (AURKA) N-terminal region pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
VGluT3 (rat C-term) pAb (GP)
Anti SREBF Chaperone (SCAP) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Adipose Tissue-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell (AMSC) Growth Medium
Anti Elastase 1 mAb (Clone 203F4)
C1ql2 pAb (Rb)
Anti Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 6 Group A Member 1 (NR6A1/GCNF) mAb (Clone H7921)
(ALPHA) Fucosyl - immobilized Gold Nanoparticles (GNP)
Anti UNC84A pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti TRIOBP pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Condensin-2 Complex Subunit H2 (CAP-H2) mAb (Clone 5F2G4)
Anti Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Element Binding Protein 3 (CPEB3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Leptin mAb (Clone 3D10)
Anti Estrogen Receptor 1 (ESR1/ER-Alpha) mAb (Clone H4624)
Anti Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha and Beta (HSP90-Alpha and HSP90-Beta) mAb (Clone K3720A)
Hyaluronan Oligosaccharide 12mer (HA12), Endotoxin Free
Anti Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor 12 (ARHGEF12) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Fluoresceinamine Labeled Sodium Heparan Sulfate (P1, Porcine Kidney)
Hybridization Bags Hybri-Bag Hard (1 cm grid)
GIRK3 pAb (Rb)
DAP213 (DMSO, Acetamide, Propylene Glycol)
Feces sampling kit for gut microbiota analysis with preservative solution (brush type / feces sampling sheet)
Anti Interferon (BETA) mAb (Clone B02)
Anti Immunoglobulin Superfamily Containing Leucine Rich Repeat 2 (ISLR2) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti SPATA13 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti RBP-Jk mAb (Clone T6719)
Blocking Reagent for ELISA (Chemically Defined)
SIMASIMA Prestained Low Range Protein Ladder
Anti MGL Guinea Pig pAb Antibody
Anti DNA Damage-Binding Protein 1 (DDB1) mAb (Clone 43233-3-1)
Anti Actin Binding LIM Protein Family Member 3 (ABLIM3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Fluoresceinamine Labeled Sodium Hyaluronate (S1)