Anti Ring Finger Protein 157 (RNF157) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
MULTIGEL II Mini 7.5 (17W)
Site-Directed Fluorescence Labeling, CR110-X-AF (CGGG), CloverDirect
Anti SEC24C pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Rice Aquaporin OsTIP2,1 pAb (Rabbit)
Hybridization Bags Hybri-Bag Soft
GluD1-C (GluRδ1) pAb (Rb)
Anti Urocortin 2 (Rat) pAb
MULTIGEL II Mini 15/25 (17W)
Bone Resorption Assay Plate
Anti JHDM1D pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti TBCD pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
SP6 RNA polymerase,His-tagged
Anti Terminal Uridylyl Transferase 4 (TUT4/ZCCHC11) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Glyoxylate And Hydroxypyruvate Reductase (GRHPR) C-terminal region mAb (Clone 7G1)
VGluT3 pAb (Go)
Anti KIAA1549 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Thermostable Cell Transporter, K-type 5
Anti Haao pAb
Anti Protein Phosphatase 4 Regulatory Subunit 3A (PPP4R3A/SMEK1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Ice Cold Water Circulator for CosmoSonic-One
Anti HSD3B pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
PKCβII pAb (Rb)
Anti RAB11FIP4 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
TARPγ8 pAb (Rb)
SgII (Chromogranin C) pAb (GP)
Anti GLP 2 (14-33) pAb
Anti Zinc Finger Protein 71 (ZNF71/EZFIT) mAb (Clone K9716)
Anti Latency-Associated Peptide (LAP) Plasma Kallikrein Degradation Fragment L59 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti CBX5 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
PLCβ4 pAb (Rb)
CellEase Tissue II
CK-B pAb (Rb)
TubulinβIII pAb (GP)
Anti Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 5 Group A Member 1 (NR5A1) mAb (Clone 1B1F10)
Anti Rho Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor 28 (ARHGEF28/RGNEF) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MKL2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MAP7 Domain Containing 1 (MAP7D1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Fem-1 Homolog A (FEM1A) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti LRRK1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti HGF (BETA-chain) mAb (Clone T7156)
SIMASIMA Unstained Low Range Protein Ladder
Anti MT2-MMP mAb (Clone 162-4E3)
Ab-Rapid SPiN Ex-5mL
Anti monomethyl Histone H3 (Lys36) mAb (Clone MABI0331)
Anti Arabidopsis thaliana Aquaporin PIP2,1, PIP2,2, PIP2,3 (C-terminus) pAb (Rabbit)
s-IgA (saliva) ELISA
CD63 mAb FRT8 (purified)
GlyT2 pAb (Rb)
10ml Resonance Rod for CosmoSonic II
Anti RAR Related Orphan Receptor (ROR) Alpha, Beta and Gamma mAb (Clone H3925)
Anti MAST2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti ERC1 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti ZFP90 Zinc Finger Protein (ZFP90) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Cholinergic Receptor Muscarinic 1 (CHRM1/mAChR-M1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Capillary ((PHI)0.5mm*47mm)
Anti Retinoid X Receptor Beta (RXRB/RXR-Beta) mAb (Clone H7341)
GAP43 pAb (Rb)
Anti RIG-I (IIM-2AIIA01) mAb
Anti Calpain 3 pAb (Goat, Purified)
Crystallization apparatus: Starter Kit
Anti HIC ZBTB Transcriptional Repressor 2 (HIC2) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti LGI2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Myc Proto-Oncogene Protein (c-Myc) mAb (Clone 9E10)
MULTIGEL II Mini 15 (13W)
Anti DCUN1D4 pAb (Rabbit, Purified)
Ab-Capcher ExTra
Anti PCNX pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
5-Aminolevulinic acid hydrochloride (5-ALA) (Cell Culture Tested)
CDK5/p25 (active)
Glutamine synthase pAb (Rb)
Anti Transcription Activator BRG1 (SMARCA4) mAb (Clone 5B7)
Anti Lysine Demethylase 4B (KDM4B/JMJD2B) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
0.5ml Silver Tube Attachment CosmoSonic II (Type 6)
Anti Organic Cation Transporter 3 / OCT3 pAb
Anti Arabidopsis thaliana Vacuolar Calcium-Binding Protein-Related (AtCCaP1) pAb (Rabbit)
GLT1 pAb (Go)
Anti Histone H3.1/H3.2 mAb (Clone: 1D4F2)
Anti EIF4A3 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti mGluR1(ALPHA) (metabtropic glutamate receptor-1(ALPHA)) pAb
Anti PTX3 mAb (Clone PPZ1272)
Anti Oocyte-secreted protein 1 precursor (Oosp1/IF3) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 2 Group F Member 6 (NR2F6/EAR2) mAb (Clone N2025)
PV (parvalbumin) pAb (Rb)
Anti IBTK pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Ab-Rapid SPiN10
Cortisol (saliva) EIA
Anti IGSF9 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti CNOT6 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti PML pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
CBMSC Adipogenic Maintenance Medium
CD9/CD63 Exosome ELISA Kit
Anti BETA Interferon mAb (Clone 7F-D3)
Anti CD81 Antigen (TAPA-1/Tspan-28) mAb (Clone 12C4)
Atelocollagen Honeycomb sponge
Anti DAB Adaptor Protein 1 (DAB1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Nephrocystin 4 (NPHP4) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Lipopolysaccharide from Pantoea agglomerans (IP-PA1)