Anti Leprotl1 pAb
Anti Protein Kinase C Gamma (PRKCG/PKCγ) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
NCBE (Slc4a10) pAb (Rb)
Anti Teneurin Transmembrane Protein 3 (TENM3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Site-Directed Post-Translational Modification, Lys(Me2) (CGGG), CloverDirect
Anti Dynein pAb
Anti HEATR7A pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Scm Polycomb Group Protein Homolog 1 (SCMH1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Insulin mAb (Clone 6F7)
Anti NUP93 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MAGED1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Ca125 mAb (Clone 52)
Anti Indole-3-Acetaldehyde Oxidase (AAO1/Aldehyde Oxidase 1) pAb (Rabbit, Ammonium Sulfate Purified)
Anti ZNF192 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti BCL6 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti La Ribonucleoprotein Domain Family Member 4B (LARP4B/LARP5) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
50ml Resonance Rod (Nalgene tube) for CosmoSonic II
Anti Solute Carrier Family 17 Member 7 (SLC17A7/VGLUT1) pAb (Goat, Affinity Purified)
Anti Cystatin C mAb (Clone 3)
Anti N(Epsilon)-(Carboxymethyl) Lysine (CML) mAb (Clone 2G11)
Anti Beta-3 adrenergic receptor pAb
Anti GARNL1 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Jade Family PHD Finger 3 (JADE3/PHF16) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Recombinant Human Anti Clostridium difficile Toxin B mAb 4-9A, Neutralizing, hPBL derived
MULTIGEL II Mini 7.5 (13W)
Anti PYY (Human) pAb
Anti CD44 mAb (Clone MS44)
Anti SLC25A19 pAb
Anti CD81 Antigen (TAPA-1/Tspan-28) mAb (Clone 12C4, Biotin Labeled)
Anti CUGBP Elav-Like Family Member 3 (CELF3/TNRC4) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Clean Drain Trap 2 Tank + 1 Hose Set
Site-Directed Fluorescence Labeling, ATTO633-AF (CGGG), CloverDirect
Anti ZFP871 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti OPA1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
GFP/UV pAb (Rb)
Anti TRMT6 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Subunit Beta (TSHB) mAb (Clone 3F10)
Anti HEATR5A pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti SON DNA Binding Protein (SON) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Kinesin Family Member 21A (KIF21A) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Fluoresceinamine Labeled Sodium Hyaluronate (M1)
Anti ZMYND8 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Syntabulin (SYBU) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti CDK7 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
PYY EIA (rat/mouse)
15ml Resonance Rod (SMILON tube) for CosmoSonic II
Anti CEL mAb (Clone KNH-30)
Anti F-Box And WD Repeat Domain Containing 11 (FBXW11) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
T7 RNA Polymerase
T7 RNA聚合酶
Anti AGEs mAb (Clone 6D12, HRP-conjugated)
Anti Amyloid-Beta Precursor Protein (APP) mAb (Clone 59)
P10 (Propylene Glycol in PB1)
Anti MBD5 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti IgG4 mAb (Clone 5C3)
(BETA) Galactosyl - immobilized Gold Nanoparticles (GNP)
Anti ATP8B2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Poly Sealer 200mm with Cutter - 120 volt
Anti STOX2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Human Blood Group A (non-secretor) mAb (Clone K7508)
Anti Arabidopsis thaliana Zinc Transporter (AtMTP1) pAb (Rabbit)
Anti Erythrocyte Membrane Protein Band 4.1 Like 2 (EPB41L2) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
SGT Loading Tool w/o Down Controller
Anti Arabidopsis thaliana Tonoplast Intrinsic Protein 1,1 (AtTIP1,1) pAb (Rabbit)
Anti PARC pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Neurogranin (NG/RC3) pAb (GP)
Anti MAP2 pAb
Anti BZW1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Goat IgG purified
Ank-G (Ankirin-G) pAb (Rb)
Anti Timeless Circadian Regulator (TIMELESS) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti EHMT1 pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti GRB10 Interacting GYF Protein 2 (GIGYF2) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti LPHN2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
MCT4 (Slc16a3) pAb (Rb)
KBM502 (Medium for expansion of activated human T cells, NK cells and Dendritic cells)
Anti Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 85A (CCDC85A) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP3) mAb (Clone 8C8)
Anti ADAMTS1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
IMMUNO SHOT Immunostaining Trial
Anti IgE mAb (Clone IgE-4)
Anti SALL2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti DOCK6 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Human Blood group Le(b) agglutinin mAb (Clone 5309)
Anti Kelch Like Family Member 29 (KLHL29) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Ring Finger Protein 44 (RNF44) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Recombinant Human Anti HSV Type 1 + Type 2 Glycoprotein B (HSV-gB) mAb 7-10C, Neutralizing, hPBL-derived
Anti Glyoxylate And Hydroxypyruvate Reductase (GRHPR) C-terminal region mAb (Clone 1H1)
Anti Zinc Finger And BTB Domain Containing 43 (ZBTB43) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti HEPH pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti RUN And FYVE Domain Containing 3 (RUFY3) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Gear Plate for CHIP-10
Anti Vacuolar-ATPase Subunit A (amino acids 480-495) pAb (Rabbit)
Anti Estrogen Related Receptor Beta (ESRRB/ERR-Beta) mAb (Clone H6707)
Anti GRAM Domain Containing 1B (GRAMD1B) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Microhomogenizer for G-15S 1.5ml Microtube
Anti Myotubularin Related Protein 12 (MTMR12) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
GAT-1 pAb (GP)