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Move the victim into fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respiration and consult a doctor immediately. Do not use mouth to mouth resuscitation if the victim ingested or inhaled the chemical.
Take off contaminated clothing immediately. Wash off with soap and plenty of water. Consult a doctor.
Rinse with pure water for at least 15 minutes. Consult a doctor.
Rinse mouth with water. Do not induce vomiting. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Call a doctor or Poison Control Center immediately.
INHALATION: No appreciable vapor pressure. Prolonged contact with spray or mist may cause oral and nasal irritation. EYES: Irritation. SKIN: Irritation. INGESTION: Vomiting, diarrhea, general malaise. Possible kidney and liver damage, dyspnea, and pulmonary edema. With large doses there may be tremors or convulsions. OTHER: May be fatal if swallowed, inhaled, or absorbed through skin. (USCG, 1999)
Basic treatment: . Establish a patent airway. Suction if necessary. . Watch for signs of respiratory insufficiency and assist ventilations if necessary. . Administer oxygen by nonrebreather mask at 10 to 15 L/min. . Monitor for pulmonary edema and treat if necessary . . Monitor for shock and treat if necessary . Anticipate seizures and treat if necessary . For eye contamination, flush eyes immediately with water. Irrigate each eye continuously with normal saline during transport . Do not use emetics. For ingestion, rinse mouth and administer 5 ml/kg up to 200 ml of water for dilution if the patient can swallow, has a strong gag reflex, and does not drool. Administer activated charcoal . Cover skin burns with dry sterile dressings after decontamination . Bromine, methyl bromide, and related compounds
Small Fire: Use dry chemical, CO2, water spray, or foam. Large Fire: Use water spray, fog or foam. Move containers from fire area if possible without risk. Fight fire from maximum distance. Dike fire control water for later disposal; do not scatter the material.
Behavior in Fire: Decomposes at high temperature, charring rather than melting or boiling. (USCG, 1999)
Wear self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighting if necessary.
Avoid dust formation. Avoid breathing mist, gas or vapours.Avoid contacting with skin and eye. Use personal protective equipment.Wear chemical impermeable gloves. Ensure adequate ventilation.Remove all sources of ignition. Evacuate personnel to safe areas.Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak.
Prevent further spillage or leakage if it is safe to do so. Do not let the chemical enter drains. Discharge into the environment must be avoided.
In case of land spill absorb bulk liquid with fly ash or cement powder.
Handling in a well ventilated place. Wear suitable protective clothing. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Avoid formation of dust and aerosols. Use non-sparking tools. Prevent fire caused by electrostatic discharge steam.
It is generally not advisable to store undiluted diquat in contact with metals; undiluted material is best kept in original container.
Component | 6,7-dihydrodipyrido[1,2-a:2',1'-c]pyrazinediylium | |||
CAS No. | 2764-72-9 | |||
Limit value - Eight hours | Limit value - Short term | |||
ppm | mg/m3 | ppm | mg/m3 | |
Belgium | ? | 0,5 | ? | ? |
Canada - Ontario | ? | 0,5 | ? | ? |
? | ? | 0,1 (1) | ? | ? |
Denmark | ? | 0,5 | ? | 1 |
? | ? | 0,1 (1) | ? | 0,2 (1) |
Finland | ? | 0,5 | ? | 1,5 (1) |
New Zealand | ? | 0,5 | ? | ? |
Singapore | ? | 0,5 (1) | ? | ? |
? | ? | 0,1 (2) | ? | ? |
South Korea | ? | 0,5 | ? | ? |
Spain | ? | 0,5 inhalable aerosol | ? | ? |
? | ? | 0,1 respirable aerosol | ? | ? |
Switzerland | ? | 0,5 inhalable aerosol | ? | ? |
Remarks | ||||
Canada - Ontario | (1) Respirable aerosol | |||
Denmark | (1) respirable fraction | |||
Finland | (1) 15 minutes average value | |||
Singapore | (1) total dust (2) respirable aerosol | |||
Spain | skin |
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Ensure adequate ventilation. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Set up emergency exits and the risk-elimination area.
Wear tightly fitting safety goggles with side-shields conforming to EN 166(EU) or NIOSH (US).
Wear fire/flame resistant and impervious clothing. Handle with gloves. Gloves must be inspected prior to use. Wash and dry hands. The selected protective gloves have to satisfy the specifications of EU Directive 89/686/EEC and the standard EN 374 derived from it.
If the exposure limits are exceeded, irritation or other symptoms are experienced, use a full-face respirator.
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Diquat is a yellow crystalline solid dissolved in a liquid carrier. It is a water emulsifiable liquid. The primary hazard is the threat to the environment. Immediate steps should be taken to limit its spread to the environment. Since it is a liquid it can easily penetrate the soil and contaminate groundwater and nearby streams. It can cause illness by inhalation, skin absorption and/or ingestion. It is used as a herbicide.
Colorless to yellow crystals
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less than 608° F (decomposes) (NTP, 1992)
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greater than or equal to 100 mg/mL at 68° F (NTP, 1992)
log Kow = -4.60
2.08E-06mmHg at 25°C
1.22 to 1.27 at 68° F (USCG, 1999)
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Water soluble. Solutions are stable in neutral and acid solutions; however, they are unstable in alkaline solutions.
Under normal storage conditions, in original containers, shelf life is indefinitely long; dry chem sensitive to UV light.
Diquat does not burn or burns with difficulty.DIQUAT is light sensitive. This compound can corrode aluminum and other metals. (NTP, 1992) Quaternary ammonium salts often serve as catalysts in reactions. They are incompatible with many strong oxidizers and reducing agents, such as metal hydrides, alkali/active metals, and organometallics. Unlike the ammonium ion, [NH4]+, and the primary, secondary, or tertiary ammonium cations, the quaternary ammonium cations are permanently charged, independent of the pH of their solution.
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Alkalis, UV light, basic solutions [Note: Concentrated diquat solutions corrode aluminum].
When heated to decomposition, diquat dibromide emits very toxic fumes of /nitrogen oxides and hydrogen bromide/.
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Cancer Classification: Group E Evidence of Non-carcinogenicity for Humans
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Diquat dibromide is listed as being a chemical which is unlikely to be removed during biological sewage treatment, even after prolonged exposure of the microorganisms(1). However microorganisms are capable of degrading diquat dibromide(2) and biodegradation occurs in various sediment-water systems as is evidenced by the cumulative production of CO2 in these systems(3); the rate of degradation is very slow. After 65 days, only 0.88 and 0.21% of the diquat dromide was converted to CO2 under aerobic and anaerobic conditions using water and sediment from a eutrophic lake and negligible using water and sediment from an oligotrophic lake(3). Diquat dibromide adsorbed on the internal faces of montmorillonite clay in aqueous soil-nutrient solution was not degraded by microorganisms over a one year period(4). When adsorbed in the interlayer spacings of the clay, the compound probably persists indefinitely in its original form, although in a biologically inactive state(4).
A BCF range of <0.6 to 1.4 was measured for diquat dibromide(1). According to a classification scheme(2), this BCF suggests the potential for bioconcentration in aquatic organisms is low(SRC). No bioaccumulation in fish was reported using a microcosm(3). No residues were detected in organs or tissues of channel catfish collected from pools 5 months after a single application or 2 months after a second treatment of 1 ppm diquat(4).
Diquat dirbomide exhibits strong adsorption to soils(1). Using a structure estimation method based on molecular connectivity indices(2), the Koc for diquat dibromide can be estimated to be 2,000(SRC). According to a classification scheme(3), this estimated Koc value suggests that diquat dibromide is expected to have slight mobility in soil. The Rf value, from thin-layer chromatography on soil plates, for this compound falls in the range of 0-0.09, which indicates no mobility(4). Diquat dibromide is an organic divalent cation(5) and cations generally adsorb to organic carbon and clay more strongly than their neutral counterparts(6).
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The material can be disposed of by removal to a licensed chemical destruction plant or by controlled incineration with flue gas scrubbing. Do not contaminate water, foodstuffs, feed or seed by storage or disposal. Do not discharge to sewer systems.
Containers can be triply rinsed (or equivalent) and offered for recycling or reconditioning. Alternatively, the packaging can be punctured to make it unusable for other purposes and then be disposed of in a sanitary landfill. Controlled incineration with flue gas scrubbing is possible for combustible packaging materials.
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The information in this MSDS is only applicable to the specified product, unless otherwise specified, it is not applicable to the mixture of this product and other substances. This MSDS only provides information on the safety of the product for those who have received the appropriate professional training for the user of the product. Users of this MSDS must make independent judgments on the applicability of this SDS. The authors of this MSDS will not be held responsible for any harm caused by the use of this MSDS.