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Journal of Alloys and Compounds

Journal of Alloys and Compounds

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Tuning Co2+ Spin State of Multicomponent Rock-salt Oxides for Efficient CO Catalytic Oxidation

Published:12 December 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.178068
Jihai Zhao, Qi Wang, Yaowen Wang, Xinbo Li, Chang Liu, Taotao Huang, Liping Li, Guangshe Li


The spin state of transition metal ions, specifically controlled by the electrons in antibonding orbital, is recognized as a descriptor for heterogeneous catalysts. However, the influence of spin state on the adsorption of CO molecular with two electrons in the highest occupied molecular orbital, has been overlooked. In this work, the Co2+ spin states in multicomponent rock-salt oxides are regulated by increasing configurational entropy, demonstrating the impact of Co2+ spin states on CO adsorption. The CO catalytic oxidation activity of as-synthesized rock-salt oxides exhibits a volcano-shaped relationship with the ratio of Co2+ in high spin state to Co2+ in low spin state. Mg0.33Co0.33Ni0.33O with this spin state ratio of 7.5 has the largest negative adsorption energy to CO molecular and exhibits the best catalytic activity. The findings on the relationship between the spin state of transition metal ions and reactant adsorption can contribute to the understanding of catalytic activity at the electronic level.

Substances (2)

Procduct Name CAS Molecular Formula Supplier Price
Cobaltous nitrate hexahydrate 10026-22-9 CoH12N2O12 337 suppliers $17.47-$1060.00
Magnesium nitrate hexahydrate 13446-18-9 H12MgN2O12 220 suppliers $13.50-$2148.00

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