Efficiency Activity:
Picture 1. The Drug Tolerance of the Clostridium botulinum bacteria from Gut of Swine & Brolier to the common AGPs (2012~2014)
Table 1. The stability of Phytomicin™ (The MIC to anti-clostridia JM1305)
Table 2. The production performance of Phytomicin™ to broiler
Table 3. The production performance of Phytomicin™ to Layer
Table 4. The production performance of Phytomocin™ to Duck
Table 5. The produce preformance effect of Phytomicin™ in Piglet(2011,Xinhui,Guangdong,China)
Deep Insight + Strong Research + Diverse Feed Component Competency x (Optimizing Nutrient Utilization + Supporting the Gut Microbiome) = Superior Solutions
Guangzhou Insighter Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Insighter?)