The optoelectronic technology includes materials, devices, modules, equipment and systems. The devices are made of materials with certain properties (chemical, electrical, optical and mechanical properties). The modules are composed of devices suitable for specified parameters (current, voltage, response speed or frequency). The devices are operated by multiple functional modules in a certain software environment. The equipment is constructed under a certain standard agreement. Therefore, the bottom and foundation of photoelectric technology is photoelectric materials and devices. Photoelectric materials are the foundation and pioneer of the whole photoelectric industry. Photoelectric materials refer to materials that can generate, convert, transmit, process and store optical signals. They mainly include semiconductor photoelectric materials (III–V), organic semiconductor photoelectric materials, inorganic crystals and quartz glass. Compound semiconductor materials such as AlGaAs and InGaAsN can be formed by any combination of III–V elements. Their lattice constants, bandgap width and absorption/emission wavelength are the three most important parameters determining the photoelectric properties of compound semiconductor materials. Photoelectric devices refer to devices that can realize the conversion function between light radiation energy and signal or the transmission, processing and storage of photoelectric signals. At present, most commercial semiconductor optoelectronic devices are made of GaAs-based, InP-based and GaN-based compound semiconductor material systems. They are widely used in optical communication network, photoelectric display, photoelectric storage, photoelectric conversion and photoelectric detection.