
Changzhou Ruiyang Chemical Co., Ltd

Main products: polyphosphoric acid,food grade phosphoric acid,electromic phosphoric acid,Arsenic-free polyphosphoric acid,Low arsenic polyphosphoric acid

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Yangzhou Ruiyang Chemical Co.,Ltd
Country: China
Tel: +86-051486368666
Mobile: +86-13915319893
E-mail: 765299674@qq.com
QQ: 765299674
Skype: Chat Now!
Address: Industial Zone Wuqiao Town Jiangdu District Yangzhou City, Jiangsu, China
Yangzhou Ruiyang Chemical Co. Ltd is mainly engaged in the production of hazardous chemicals phosphoric acid, the production capacity of 40000t/a. The main products are industrial grade phosphoric acid, food grade phosphoric acid, polyphosphoric etc. Industrial phosphoric acid is divided into general industrial phosphoric acid, liquid crystal phosphoric acid, electronic phosphoric acid. Food grade phosphoric acid is mainly used in the production of food additives., preservatives etc. The company is the global supplier of Coca-Cola company. Polyphosphate is mailing used to produce lithium hexafluorophosphate electrolyte can also used as a ring agent on pigment. Flane retardant materials, industrial phosphoric acid can produce surface activation, PPB grade electronic grade phosphoric acid is the main component of cleaning agent and etching liquid in integrated circuit( general electronic wet chemicals-single agent)
Product Name MF CAS Details
polyphosphoric acid (H)n+2.(P)n.(O)3n+1 8017-16-1 Details
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