

有機原料は石油、天然ガスを原料とする石油化學工業(yè)であり,穀物を発酵してアルコール又は溶剤を製造する工業(yè)であり,石炭ガス化した原料ガス及び乾留して回収したコールタールを原料として様々な有機化學製品を製造し又はを分留する工業(yè)である。中國の有機化學工業(yè)は石炭を原料として炭化カルシウムを製造してから水と反応してアセチレンを製造するルート、石炭ガス化によってメタノール、ホルムアルデヒドを合成するルートとコールタール中のベンゼン、ナフタレン、アントラセンを回収するルート及び原料としての穀物を発酵しかつ蒸留してアルコールを製造するルートから発展してきた。 基本的な有機化學工業(yè)に用いられる直接な原料は以下のとおりである:水素ガス、一酸化炭素、脂肪族炭化水素類(メタン、エチレン、アセチレン、プロピレン、C4以上の脂肪族炭化水素)、芳香族炭化水素類(ベンゼン、トルエン、キシレン、エチルベンゼン)など。原油、石油留分又は軽質(zhì)アルカンの熱分解ガス、精油所ガス及び石炭ガスに対して,分離処理を行うことにより,用途ごとに異なった芳香族炭化水素原料を分離することができる;接觸改質(zhì)を行った改質(zhì)ガソリン、炭化水素類を熱分解した分解ガソリン及び石炭を乾留したコールタールから,芳香族炭化水素原料を分離することができる;適切な石油留分はある製品の原料として直接に用いられる;濕性天然ガスからメタン以外の他の軽質(zhì)アルカンを分離することができる;石炭ガスと天然ガス、精油所ガス、石油留分又は原油の蒸気を変換し又はその一部を酸化することによって合成ガスを製造する;コークスによって製造された炭化カルシウム、又は天然ガス、ナフサの熱分解はいずれもアセチレンを製造することができる。それに,農(nóng)林業(yè)系副産物から原料を取得することができる。 有機原料による製品は用途が広く、以下の三つの分野に分けられる:一つは高分子化學製品の原料の生産に用いられ,即ち重合反応を行うモノマー;二つは他の有機化學工業(yè)に用いられ,ファインケミカル製品の原料を含む;三つは溶剤、冷媒、凍結(jié)防止剤、ガス吸著剤などに用いられる。基本的な有機化學工業(yè)は様々な有機化學製品を生産する基礎(chǔ)であり,現(xiàn)代の産業(yè)構(gòu)造の主な構(gòu)成部分である。
Click on the specific product, view the latest prices of the products, information, serving information
Structure Chemical Name CAS MF
Mycoplasma Broth Dry Powder [FREY] Mycoplasma Broth Dry Powder [FREY]
Mycoplasma Agar Base Mycoplasma Agar Base
Salmonella choleraesuis Salmonella choleraesuis
BCT Enrichment Broth BCT Enrichment Broth
Nutrient Agar, pH6.0 Nutrient Agar, pH6.0
Anaerobic Liquid Medium Anaerobic Liquid Medium
Martin Agar Martin Agar
P-トリルメチルジクロロシラン P-トリルメチルジクロロシラン 25898-37-7 C8H10Cl2Si
Mycoplasma Agar Base Mycoplasma Agar Base
Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar Reference Medium (VRBGARM) Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar Reference Medium (VRBGARM)
Autoinduction Super Broth Medium Autoinduction Super Broth Medium
マイコプラズマ基礎(chǔ)ブイヨン マイコプラズマ基礎(chǔ)ブイヨン
Autoinduction 2 ×YT Broth Medium Autoinduction 2 ×YT Broth Medium
Shigella Broth Base Shigella Broth Base
Mycoplasma agar powder medium Mycoplasma agar powder medium
Mycoplasma semi-fluid basal medium Mycoplasma semi-fluid basal medium
Nutrient Salt Agar Medium Nutrient Salt Agar Medium
Phytone Yeast Extract Agar Phytone Yeast Extract Agar
DNA Concentrator Kit(100 samples) DNA Concentrator Kit(100 samples)
ChromaFlash High Sensitivity ChIP Kit(24 reactions) ChromaFlash High Sensitivity ChIP Kit(24 reactions)
Snap-8 Peptide Snap-8 Peptide
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red
Trypsin Digestion solutions,0.25% (with phenol red) Trypsin Digestion solutions,0.25% (with phenol red)
DNA 5’ End-Labeling Kit DNA 5’ End-Labeling Kit
DNA Shuffling Kit DNA Shuffling Kit
0.25% pancreatin containing phenol red, 2.5G/L pancreatin (1:250) dissolved in HBSS solution, without calcium and magnesium 0.25% pancreatin containing phenol red, 2.5G/L pancreatin (1:250) dissolved in HBSS solution, without calcium and magnesium
YC-2063 DMEM /F12 (with HEPES, without phenol red) YC-2063 DMEM /F12 (with HEPES, without phenol red)
ChromaFlash ChromatinExtraction Kit ChromaFlash ChromatinExtraction Kit
Cell Navigator Mitochondrial Staining Kit.Green Fluorescence Cell Navigator Mitochondrial Staining Kit.Green Fluorescence
DNA Constant Temperature Rapid Amplification Kit (Colloidal Gold Test Strip Type) DNA Constant Temperature Rapid Amplification Kit (Colloidal Gold Test Strip Type)
10X D-HANKS, without calcium and magnesium, without phenol red (HBSS) 10X D-HANKS, without calcium and magnesium, without phenol red (HBSS)
D-xylose content detection kit D-xylose content detection kit
Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix, Phenol Red-Free Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix, Phenol Red-Free
Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit
CA2+ Calcium Ion Staining Kit CA2+ Calcium Ion Staining Kit
CHO host cell residual DNA quantitative kit(Q-PCR Taqman probe) CHO host cell residual DNA quantitative kit(Q-PCR Taqman probe)
Acidovorax avenae ssp. Acidovorax avenae ssp.
CA2+ Calcium Ion Detection Kit F16 CA2+ Calcium Ion Detection Kit F16
Mycoplasma Medium Mycoplasma Medium
Waksman, 1957 Waksman, 1957
Nutrient broth (AMES test) Nutrient broth (AMES test)
スタンプマン標準寒天培地(SPC) スタンプマン標準寒天培地(SPC)
Eubacterium Selective Agar Eubacterium Selective Agar
Mycoplasma Medium,Fluid Mycoplasma Medium,Fluid
Mycoplasma Agar Medium Base Mycoplasma Agar Medium Base
Sucrose Tryptone Broth Sucrose Tryptone Broth
Nutrient Glucose Agar(Waksman, 1957) Nutrient Glucose Agar(Waksman, 1957)
Nutrient Agar Reference Nutrient Agar Reference
Nutrient Salt Broth Nutrient Salt Broth
Avian Pasteurella multocida Medium (For Inactivated Vaccine) Avian Pasteurella multocida Medium (For Inactivated Vaccine)
Nutrient Glucose Agar Nutrient Glucose Agar
Shigella enrichment broth solid basal medium Shigella enrichment broth solid basal medium
Cell Meter Caspase 3/7 Activity Assay Kit Cell Meter Caspase 3/7 Activity Assay Kit
エイムス試験 エイムス試験
ADP/ATP Ratio Assay Kit
	ADP/ATP Ratio Assay Kit
AEC Peroxidase Substrate Kit,20× AEC Peroxidase Substrate Kit,20×
Amplite Fluorimetric HDAC Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* Amplite Fluorimetric HDAC Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*
BCA protein concentration determination kit BCA protein concentration determination kit
ATP content detection kit micro method ATP content detection kit micro method
2-NBDG Glucose Uptake Assay Kit (Cell-Based) 2-NBDG Glucose Uptake Assay Kit (Cell-Based)
2XLAMP MAGICMIX (original universal LAMP kit), with tracer dye 2XLAMP MAGICMIX (original universal LAMP kit), with tracer dye
8-Isoprostane EIA Kit 8-Isoprostane EIA Kit
AO/EB Staining Kit AO/EB Staining Kit
BC0040 Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Detection Kit BC0040 Soil Nitrate Nitrogen Detection Kit
8-iso-PGF2alpha ELISA Kit 8-iso-PGF2alpha ELISA Kit
3′-RACE Kit 3′-RACE Kit
HANKS'(1*HBSS) balanced salt solution, containing phenol red HANKS'(1*HBSS) balanced salt solution, containing phenol red
ATPase detection kit (NA+K+ATPase, CA++MG++ATPase,) ATPase detection kit (NA+K+ATPase, CA++MG++ATPase,)
Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-PE/7-AAD Apoptosis Detection Kit
Annexin V-kFlour555 Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-kFlour555 Apoptosis Detection Kit
Annexin V-Alexa Fluor 488/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-Alexa Fluor 488/PI Apoptosis Detection Kit
Amplite Glucose Quantitation Kit Amplite Glucose Quantitation Kit
EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit
EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays) EpiQuik 8-OHdG DNA Damage Quantification Direct Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays)
20S Proteasome Assay Kit 20S Proteasome Assay Kit
Amplite Colorimetric Calcium Quantitation Kit  *Blue Color* Amplite Colorimetric Calcium Quantitation Kit *Blue Color*
Amplite Universal Fluorimetric MMP Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* Amplite Universal Fluorimetric MMP Activity Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence*
Annexin V-FITC/PI Annexin V-FITC/PI
Amplite Calcium Quantitation Kit .Red Fluorescence. Amplite Calcium Quantitation Kit .Red Fluorescence.
AO/EB Double Staining Kit AO/EB Double Staining Kit
Annexin V-keyFlour594 Apoptosis Detection Kit Annexin V-keyFlour594 Apoptosis Detection Kit
ALT Assay Kit (Fluorometric) ALT Assay Kit (Fluorometric)
OPTI MEM I (phenol red free) OPTI MEM I (phenol red free)
EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, no calcium magnesium phenol red) EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, no calcium magnesium phenol red)
0.25% pancreatin does not contain phenol red, contains 2.5G/L pancreatin (1:250) dissolved in HBSS solution, and does not contain calcium or magnesium. 0.25% pancreatin does not contain phenol red, contains 2.5G/L pancreatin (1:250) dissolved in HBSS solution, and does not contain calcium or magnesium.
Rhodococcus phenolicus Rhodococcus phenolicus
DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red, containing double antibody) DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red, containing double antibody)
EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, calcium magnesium phenol red) EARLE'S balanced salt solution (1 × EBSS, calcium magnesium phenol red)
D-HANKS' balanced salt solution with phenol red D-HANKS' balanced salt solution with phenol red
DMEM /F12 (without phenol red, with double antibody) DMEM /F12 (without phenol red, with double antibody)
D-HANKS' balanced salt solution, no phenol red D-HANKS' balanced salt solution, no phenol red
DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red) DMEM sugar-free (without phenol red)
Trypsin-EDTA solution,0.25% (without phenol red) Trypsin-EDTA solution,0.25% (without phenol red)
HANKS buffer (with phenol red) HANKS buffer (with phenol red)
HBSS(Hank's Balanced Salt Solution) HBSS(Hank's Balanced Salt Solution)
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