
Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Das Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen ist ein multidisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet was die Bereiche Biologie, Chemie und Ingenieurwesen einschließt. Bereits seit Jahrtausenden gibt es biotechnische Anwendungen, wie z.B. die Herstellung von Bier und Wein. Im Lauf der Zeit haben sich biotechnische Anwendungen weit verbreitet. Die Anwendungsgebiete umfassen den Einsatz in der Landwirtschaft und Pflanzenbiotechnologie, der Medizin und Pharmazeutik, der medizinischen Biotechnologie, der industriellen Biotechnologie, der Abfallwirtschaft, der technischen bzw. der Umwelt-Biotechnologie und in der biotechnologischen Nutzung von Meeresressouren. Weil die Anwendung der Biotechnologie auf dem guten Verständnis der Funktionswesen von Organismen basiert, kann das Verständnis im Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen immer weiter ausgebaut werden und es können vielerlei Anwendungen umgesetzt werden. Bestimmte chemische Verbindungen, z. B. für pharmazeutische Zwecke oder als Grundstoff der chemischen Industrie, können erzeugt werden. Pflanzen können für bestimmte Umweltbedingungen oder für ihren Nutzungszweck optimiert werden. Bisherige Anwendungen können durch vorteilhaftere biotechnische Verfahren ersetzt werden, wie z. B. umweltbelastende chemische Herstellungsverfahren in der Industrie. Es wird daher erwartet, dass sich das Wachstum der Biotechnologie-Branche in Zukunft fortsetzen wird.

Click on the specific product, view the latest information of the products, serving information
Structure Chemical Name CAS MF
Cell Meter APC-Annexin V Binding Apoptosis Assay Kit *Optimized for Flow Cytometry* Cell Meter APC-Annexin V Binding Apoptosis Assay Kit *Optimized for Flow Cytometry*
ATP Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit ATP Colorimetric/Fluorometric Assay Kit
Equine Coital Exanthema Virus Equine Coital Exanthema Virus
Annexin V-APC/7-AAD apoptosis analysis kit Annexin V-APC/7-AAD apoptosis analysis kit
AMPLITE Colorimetric Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit AMPLITE Colorimetric Sphingomyelinase Assay Kit
DNA Concentrator Kit(100 samples) DNA Concentrator Kit(100 samples)
ChromaFlash High Sensitivity ChIP Kit(24 reactions) ChromaFlash High Sensitivity ChIP Kit(24 reactions)
DNA 5’ End-Labeling Kit DNA 5’ End-Labeling Kit
DNA Shuffling Kit DNA Shuffling Kit
ChromaFlash ChromatinExtraction Kit ChromaFlash ChromatinExtraction Kit
Cell Navigator Mitochondrial Staining Kit.Green Fluorescence Cell Navigator Mitochondrial Staining Kit.Green Fluorescence
DNA Constant Temperature Rapid Amplification Kit (Colloidal Gold Test Strip Type) DNA Constant Temperature Rapid Amplification Kit (Colloidal Gold Test Strip Type)
D-xylose content detection kit D-xylose content detection kit
Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit Cdc42 G-LISA Activation Assay Kit
CA2+ Calcium Ion Staining Kit CA2+ Calcium Ion Staining Kit
CHO host cell residual DNA quantitative kit(Q-PCR Taqman probe) CHO host cell residual DNA quantitative kit(Q-PCR Taqman probe)
Acidovorax avenae ssp. Acidovorax avenae ssp.
CA2+ Calcium Ion Detection Kit F16 CA2+ Calcium Ion Detection Kit F16
EpiQuik DNA Methyltransferase(DNMT) Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit EpiQuik DNA Methyltransferase(DNMT) Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit
Cell Meter Cell Viability Assay Kit.Green/Red Dual Fluorescence. Cell Meter Cell Viability Assay Kit.Green/Red Dual Fluorescence.
EpiQuik DNMT Activity/Inhibition Assayultra Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays) EpiQuik DNMT Activity/Inhibition Assayultra Kit(Colorimetric)(48 assays)
CoronavirusesIgG CoronavirusesIgG
Cell Meter Annexin V Binding Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry* Cell Meter Annexin V Binding Apoptosis Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence Optimized for Flow Cytometry*
Cell Meter TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit Cell Meter TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit
DAB Substrate kit,20× DAB Substrate kit,20×
Genomic DNA Purification Kit Genomic DNA Purification Kit
CASPASE-4 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-4 Activity Assay Kit
Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit Cdc42 Pulldown Activation Assay Kit
BrdU cell proliferation Detection Kit(IHC) BrdU cell proliferation Detection Kit(IHC)
B Virus B Virus
CRP (Human) ELISA Kit CRP (Human) ELISA Kit
CD56+ T Cell Isolation Kit CD56+ T Cell Isolation Kit
EpiQuik DNMT Activity/Inhibition Assayultra Kit EpiQuik DNMT Activity/Inhibition Assayultra Kit
EpiNext CUT&RUN RNA m6A-Seq Kit EpiNext CUT&RUN RNA m6A-Seq Kit
Cyclic AMP Select EIA Kit Cyclic AMP Select EIA Kit
Cell Meter Fluorimetric Intracellular pH Assay Kit Cell Meter Fluorimetric Intracellular pH Assay Kit
CWE2100 Fixed Tissue DNA Extraction Kit CWE2100 Fixed Tissue DNA Extraction Kit
DAB Peroxidase Substrate Kit (Blue Color, IHC) DAB Peroxidase Substrate Kit (Blue Color, IHC)
CA2+ Calcium Ion Detection Kit (FLUO-3, AM Method) CA2+ Calcium Ion Detection Kit (FLUO-3, AM Method)
EpiQuik Dnmt1 Assay Kit EpiQuik Dnmt1 Assay Kit
Cell Navigator Mitochondrion Staining Kit. Cell Navigator Mitochondrion Staining Kit.
EpiQuik DNA Methyltransferase(DNMT) Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit(48 assays) EpiQuik DNA Methyltransferase(DNMT) Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit(48 assays)
CGRP (rat) EIA Kit CGRP (rat) EIA Kit
cPLA2 Assay Kit cPLA2 Assay Kit
Cell Meter Intracellular GSH Assay Kit *Optimized for Flow Cytometry* Cell Meter Intracellular GSH Assay Kit *Optimized for Flow Cytometry*
EB Staining Kit EB Staining Kit
Cell Apoptosis DAPI Detection Kit Cell Apoptosis DAPI Detection Kit
E.coli host cell residual DNA quantitative kit(Q-PCR Taqman probe) E.coli host cell residual DNA quantitative kit(Q-PCR Taqman probe)
DNA Concentrator Kit DNA Concentrator Kit
MethylFlash Methylated DNA Quantification Kit MethylFlash Methylated DNA Quantification Kit
Methylamp DNA Modification Kit(40 samples) Methylamp DNA Modification Kit(40 samples)
Cell Meter Fluorimetric Intracellular Total ROS Activity Assay Kit Cell Meter Fluorimetric Intracellular Total ROS Activity Assay Kit
EpiQuik DNA Methyltransferase 1 Activity/Inhibitor Screening Assay Core Kit(48 assays) EpiQuik DNA Methyltransferase 1 Activity/Inhibitor Screening Assay Core Kit(48 assays)
DPP (IV) Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit DPP (IV) Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit
DNA Quick Connect Kit DNA Quick Connect Kit
CASPASE-9 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-9 Activity Assay Kit
CASPASE-3 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-3 Activity Assay Kit
EZ-press DNA & RNA Purification Kit EZ-press DNA & RNA Purification Kit
Adenosinetriphosphatase assay kit Adenosinetriphosphatase assay kit
CYP450 enzyme Metabolic phenotype research kit CYP450 enzyme Metabolic phenotype research kit
C5 (Human) ELISA Kit C5 (Human) ELISA Kit
IPHASE CYP450 enzyme Metabolic phenotype research kit IPHASE CYP450 enzyme Metabolic phenotype research kit
CD19+ T Cell Isolation Kit CD19+ T Cell Isolation Kit
ChromaFlash High Sensitivity ChIP Kit ChromaFlash High Sensitivity ChIP Kit
Cell NavigatorTM Fluorimetric Lipid Droplet Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* Cell NavigatorTM Fluorimetric Lipid Droplet Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence*
Cell Meter Apoptotic and Necrotic Detection Kit.Tricolor Cell Meter Apoptotic and Necrotic Detection Kit.Tricolor
Cell Meter Fluorimetric Intracellular Total ROS Activity Assay Kit*Deep Red Fluorescence* Cell Meter Fluorimetric Intracellular Total ROS Activity Assay Kit*Deep Red Fluorescence*
Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit *Blue Fluorescence* Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit *Blue Fluorescence*
CASPASE-6 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-6 Activity Assay Kit
Cell Meter Autophagy Assay Kit Cell Meter Autophagy Assay Kit
Epigenase m6A Demethylase Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit Epigenase m6A Demethylase Activity/Inhibition Assay Kit
FitAmp General DNA Quantification Kit FitAmp General DNA Quantification Kit
CELL NAVIGATORTM Mitochondrial Staining Kit* NIR Fluorescence* CELL NAVIGATORTM Mitochondrial Staining Kit* NIR Fluorescence*
CYP450 Metabolic Phenotype Research kit CYP450 Metabolic Phenotype Research kit
Cell Meter JC-10 Mitochondrion Membrane Potential Assay Kit *Optimized for Flow Cytometry Assays* Cell Meter JC-10 Mitochondrion Membrane Potential Assay Kit *Optimized for Flow Cytometry Assays*
Cell Navigator F-Actin Labeling Kit *Green Fluorescence* Cell Navigator F-Actin Labeling Kit *Green Fluorescence*
Instant DOP-PCR Kit Instant DOP-PCR Kit
CA++MG++ ATPase Assay Kit-Microplate CA++MG++ ATPase Assay Kit-Microplate
RO52 RO52
Efemp1 (Mouse) ELISA Kit Efemp1 (Mouse) ELISA Kit
Cell NavigatorTM Live Cell Endoplasmic Reticulum Cell NavigatorTM Live Cell Endoplasmic Reticulum
TwistAmp Basic TwistAmp Basic
CASPASE-8 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-8 Activity Assay Kit
CASPASE-2 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-2 Activity Assay Kit
CA2+ calcium ion detection kit CA2+ calcium ion detection kit
DNA Nested Deletion Kit DNA Nested Deletion Kit
CA3+ Calcium Ion Masking Kit CA3+ Calcium Ion Masking Kit
Colti Colti
CD11+ T Cell Isolation Kit CD11+ T Cell Isolation Kit
Cell Meter Fluorimetric Cell Cycle Assay Kit Cell Meter Fluorimetric Cell Cycle Assay Kit
EpiQuik Dnmt1 Assay Kit(48 assays) EpiQuik Dnmt1 Assay Kit(48 assays)
Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit *Red Fluorescence* Cell Navigator Lysosome Staining Kit *Red Fluorescence*
CASPASE-5 Activity Assay Kit CASPASE-5 Activity Assay Kit
Calcein-AM/PI Double Stain Kit Calcein-AM/PI Double Stain Kit
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