Beraprost sodium is a new, orally active antithrombotic epoprostenol analog introduced as a treatment for peripheral vascular disease, including Raynaud's syndrome and
Buerger's disease. The antiplatelet activity may be due to its elevation of cyclic AMP
in platelets which is achieved by activating adenylate cyclase in the platelet membrane,
followed by the inhibition ofCa++- influx and thromboxane A2 formation.
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Platelet aggregation inhibitor; stable analog of Prostacyclin. Antithrombotic; vasodilator (peripheral).
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Beraprost sodium is an orally active prostacyclin analog.
Disease-related events had similar incidence in patients receiving beraprost and those receiving placebo. Drug-related adverse events like headache, flushing, jaw pain, and diarrhea were more common in patients treated with beraprost sodium and occurred mostly during the six-week titration period. The incidence was markedly reduced in the maintenance period. Six patients (9%) in the beraprost sodium group and two (3%) in the placebo group withdrew prematurely from the study because of adverse events. No clinically adverse changes in hematologic or biochemical variables were seen in the beraprost sodium group.