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Metal halide and Halogen salt

Metal halides are compounds between metals and halogens. Some, such as sodium chloride are ionic, while others are covalently bonded.

Applications of Cuprous bromide

This diamagnetic solid adopts a polymeric structure akin to that for zinc sulfide[1]. Cuprous bromide is widely used in the synthesis of organic compounds and as a lasing medium in copper bromide lase

Nov 22,2019  Metal halide and Halogen salt

Electronic and Optical Properties of Mercuric Iodate

Mercury(II) iodate(V) is dimorphous and crystallizes in two polymorphs named α- and β-Hg(IO3)2. The α-modification was prepared by precipitation of a slightly acidified Hg(NO3)2 solution with an exces

Nov 4,2019  Metal halide and Halogen salt

Uses of Lithium bromide

Lithium bromide is a lithium salt in which the counterion is bromide. The anhydrous salt forms cubic crystals similar to common salt. It is a bromide salt and a lithium salt.Lithium bromide is a chemi

Nov 1,2019  Metal halide and Halogen salt

Preparations and Reaction of Germanium tetrachloride

Germanium(IV) chloride often is obtained as a byproduct of germanium metal production. The process involves heating germanium oxide, GeO2, with sodium chloride and coal.

Oct 21,2019  Metal halide and Halogen salt
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