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dichloroketene synthesis

4synthesis methods
Dichloroketene is typically prepared in situ by dehalogenation of trichloroacetyl halides or dehydrohalogenation of dichloroacetyl halides. Elimination of dichloroacetyl chloride with Triethylamine affords the desired ketene, although material formed in this manner is of limited reactivity. Reduction of Trichloroacetyl Chloride with Zinc/Copper Couple activated with either Phosphorus Oxychloride or 1,1- Dimethoxyethane provides fully reactive dichloroketene. Recently, thermal activation of Zinc dust was used to generate dichloroketene.

Yield:41448-64-0 60% ,836-41-9 39% ,103-71-9 58%

Reaction Conditions:

at 680; under 0.002 Torr;


Bartnik, R.;Lesniak, S. [Polish Journal of Chemistry,1994,vol. 68,# 12,p. 2605 - 2612]