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Kidney Diseases

Kidney Diseases

IF:3.2 CiteScore:6 Articles:33
''Kidney Diseases'' aims to provide a platform for Asian and Western research to further and support communication and exchange of knowledge. Review articles cover the most recent clinical and basic science relevant to the entire field of nephrological disorders, including glomerular diseases, acute and chronic kidney injury, tubulo-interstitial disease, hypertension and metabolism-related disorders, end-stage renal disease, and genetic kidney disease. Special articles are prepared by two authors, one from East and one from West, which compare genetics, epidemiology, diagnosis methods, and treatment options of a disease.

Roxadustat for Patients with Post-transplant Anemia: A Narrative Review

Published: 10 November 2023 DOI: 10.1159/000535071
Xiaoxiao Tang, Fei Liu, Qiuyu Li, Jianhua Mao