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Journal of the American Ceramic Society

Journal of the American Ceramic Society

IF:3.5 CiteScore:7.5 Articles:590
The Journal of the American Ceramic Society contains records of original research that provide insight into or describe the science of ceramic and glass materials and composites based on ceramics and glasses. These papers include reports on discovery, characterization, and analysis of new inorganic, non-metallic materials; synthesis methods; phase relationships; processing approaches; microstructure-property relationships; and functionalities. Of great interest are works that support understanding founded on fundamental principles using experimental, theoretical, or computational methods or combinations of those approaches. All the published papers must be of enduring value and relevant to the science of ceramics and glasses or composites based on those materials. Papers on fundamental ceramic and glass science are welcome including those in the following areas: Enabling materials for grand challenges[...] Materials design, selection, synthesis and processing methods[...] Characterization of compositions, structures, defects, and properties along with new methods [...] Mechanisms, Theory, Modeling, and Simulation[...] JACerS accepts submissions of full-length Articles reporting original research, in-depth Feature Articles, Reviews of the state-of-the-art with compelling analysis, and Rapid Communications which are short papers with sufficient novelty or impact to justify swift publication.

Epitaxial Growth of Nickel(II) Hydroxide on layer Silicate and Derived Nickel-(Layer Silicate) Nanocomposite

Published: 1 June 1990 DOI: 10.1111/j.1151-2916.1990.tb09819.x
Kunio Ohtsuka, Johji Koga, Masakiyo Tsunoda, Mitsuru Suda, Mikiya Ono