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Inorganic Materials

Inorganic Materials

IF:0.9 CiteScore:1.3999 Articles:80
Inorganic Materials is a journal that publishes reviews and original articles devoted to chemistry, physics, and applications of various inorganic materials including high-purity substances and materials. The journal discusses phase equilibria, including P–T–X diagrams, and the fundamentals of inorganic materials science, which determines preparatory conditions for compounds of various compositions with specified deviations from stoichiometry. Inorganic Materials is a multidisciplinary journal covering all classes of inorganic materials. The journal welcomes manuscripts from all countries in the English or Russian language.

Thermal decomposition of vanadyl acetylacetonate

Published: 1 August 2015 DOI: 10.1134/S0020168515090150
R. N. Nenashev, N. E. Mordvinova, V. P. Zlomanov, V. L. Kuznetsov