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EcoSal Plus

CiteScore:12.1999 Articles:4
EcoSal Plus is the authoritative online review journal that publishes an ever-growing body of expert reviews covering virtually all aspects of E. coli, Salmonella, and other members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and their use as model microbes for biological explorations. This journal is intended primarily for the research community as a comprehensive and continuously updated archive of the entire corpus of knowledge about the enteric bacterial cell. Thoughtful reviews focus on physiology, metabolism, genetics, pathogenesis, ecology, genomics, systems biology, and history E. coli and its relatives. These provide the integrated background needed for most microbiology investigations and are essential reading for research scientists. Articles contain links to E. coli K12 genes on the EcoCyc database site and are available as downloadable PDF files. Images and tables are downloadable to PowerPoint files.

Peptidoglycan: Structure, Synthesis, and Regulation.

Published: 1 January 2021 DOI: 10.1128/ecosalplus.ESP-0010-2020
Shambhavi Garde,?Pavan Kumar Chodisetti,?Manjula Reddy