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Biotechnology Reports

Biotechnology Reports

CiteScore:15.8 Articles:79
Biotechnology Reports covers all aspects of Biotechnology particularly those reports that are useful and informative and that will be of value to other researchers in related fields. Biotechnology Reports loves ground breaking science, but will also accept good science that can be of use to the biotechnology community. The journal maintains a high quality peer review where submissions are considered on the basis of scientific validity and technical quality. Acceptable paper types are research articles (short or full communications), methods, mini-reviews, and commentaries in the following areas: Healthcare and pharmaceutical biotechnology Agricultural and food biotechnology Environmental biotechnology Molecular biology, cell and tissue engineering and synthetic biology Industrial biotechnology, biofuels and bioenergy Nanobiotechnology Bioinformatics & systems biology New processes and products in biotechnology, bioprocess engineering.

Potential applications of ferulic acid from natural sources

Published: 1 December 2014 DOI: 10.1016/j.btre.2014.09.002
Naresh Kumar, Vikas Pruthi