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ACS Catalysis

ACS Catalysis

IF:11.3 CiteScore:20.8 Articles:1253
ACS Catalysis is an esteemed journal that publishes original research in the fields of heterogeneous catalysis, molecular catalysis, and biocatalysis. It offers broad coverage across diverse areas such as life sciences, organometallics and synthesis, photochemistry and electrochemistry, drug discovery and synthesis, materials science, environmental protection, polymer discovery and synthesis, and energy and fuels. The scope of the journal is to showcase innovative work in various aspects of catalysis. This includes new reactions and novel synthetic approaches utilizing known catalysts, the discovery or modification of new catalysts, elucidation of catalytic mechanisms through cutting-edge investigations, practical enhancements of existing processes, as well as conceptual advances in the field. Contributions to ACS Catalysis can encompass both experimental and theoretical research focused on catalytic molecules, macromolecules, and materials that exhibit catalytic turnover.

Glutaric acid production by systems metabolic engineering of an l-lysine-overproducing Corynebacterium glutamicum.

Published: 1 December 2020 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2017483117
Taehee Han, Gi Bae Kim, Sang Yup Lee