The physical and chemical material constants
The molecular formula SF4
English name Sulphur tetrafluoride
National standard number 23019
CAS number 7783-60-0
Molecular weight 108.05
Boiling point -38°
Cmelting point -124°C
Density Relative density (water=1)1.95 (liquid)2.35( solid);relative density(air=1)3.7
Specific volume (21.1°C,101.325kPa):0.2247m3/kg
Critical temperature 90.9°C
Critical pressure 6342.9kPa
Gasification hot (-40.4°C,101.325kPa): 200.72 kJ/kg
Specific heat capacity(gas, 25°C): Cp=707.57 J/(kg.k)
Vapour tension (-100°C): 0.9kPa
(-60°C): 32kPa
(21.1°C): 1067kPa
Surface tension(232.75K): 19.85mN/m
Appearance and character gas of colorless and pungent smell, in 600 ° c is still very stable, soluble in benzene.
Stability: stable
Risk Label 6 (toxic gas)
Product quality indicators:SF4 contents(%)≥99