GEERIC NAME: Mepiquat Chloride
Commodity name: Mepiquat Chloride, Regulating pyridine, Healthy hormone...
Chemical name: N·N-dimethylpiperidinium chloride
外觀: 原藥為白色或微黃色晶體
Appearance: TC is white or yellowish crystal
安全性: 低毒、不燃、無腐蝕,對呼吸道、皮膚、眼睛無刺激。對魚、鳥、蜂無害。如發(fā)生中毒,應(yīng)作胃腸清洗。
Safety: Low toxicity, non-combustible, non-corrosive, no irritation to the respiratory tract, skin and eyes. It is harmless to fish, birds and bees. If poisoning occurs, it should be cleaned by the stomach.
Toxicity: Acute oral toxicity LD50 of 96% original powder is 1032 (male) and 920 (male) mg/kg, acute dermal toxicity LD50 is greater than 1000mg/kg
Product performance: Mepiquat Chloride is a new plant growth regulator with good systemic conduction for plants. It can promote the reproductive growth of plants; inhibit stems and leaves from growing wild; control lateral branches; shape ideal plant types; increase root coefficient and vitality; increase fruit weight and quality. Mepiquat Chloride is widely used in cotton, wheat, rice, peanuts, potato, grapes, vegetables, beans, flowers and other crops.
使用技術(shù): Use technology
Mepiquat chloride is applied on cotton, which is absorbed by leaves, roots, stems and other parts and transmitted to the whole plant and reduce the activity of gibberellin in plants. Reduce plant gibberellin activity, thereby inhibits 、leggy plants 、cell elongation and fruit branch length, which makes Stem branches thick、enhances lodging resistance and photosynthesis. Rational utilization will increase output at 10%-20%
原藥(含量98%)用法與用量:TC (content 98%) usage and dosage:
1、 浸種:一般以每公斤棉種用1克,加水8公斤,浸種約24小時(shí)挖出晾至種皮發(fā)白播種。如無浸種經(jīng)驗(yàn),建議在苗期(2-3葉期)畝用0.1-0.3克,兌水15-20公斤噴灑。
1. Soaking seeds: 1 gram per kilogram of cotton is used and adds 8 kg of water, and the seeds which are soaked for about 24 hours dig and dry until the seed coat is white. If no soaking experience, it is recommended to use 0.1-0.3 g in the seedling stage (2-3 leaf stage) and 15-20 kg in water.
Function: to improve seed vigor, inhibit the elongation of the lower embryo, promote the growth of strong seedlings, improve resistance, and prevent high seedlings
2、 蕾期:每畝用0.5-1克,兌水25-30公斤噴灑。
Bud stage: 0.5-1 g per acre, sprayed with 25-30 kg of water.
Function: Strong seedlings, directional shaping, enhanced drought resistance, sputum ability
3、 初花期:每畝2-3克,兌水30-40公斤噴灑。
Initial flowering stage: 2-3 grams per acre, sprayed with water 30-40 kg.
Function: inhibit the growth of cotton plants, shape the ideal plant type, optimize the canopy structure, delay the sealing and increase the number of high-quality bells, and simplify the mid-term pruning.
4、 盛花期:每畝用3-4克,兌水40-50公斤噴灑。
Flowering period: 3-4 grams per acre, sprayed with 40-50 kilograms of water.
Function: Inhibit null buds and axillary bud growth in the late stage, prevent glutinous and late maturity, increase early autumn peach, and increase the weight of the bell. (If the rain and the fertility are enough, the dosage can be increased, otherwise reduce the amount)
關(guān)鍵字: 甲哌鎓;打頂劑;棉花;植物生長調(diào)節(jié)劑;脫葉劑;