CatalysisLearn more about the Principles of Green Chemistry.
We are committed to bringing you Greener Alternative Products, which adhere to one or more of The 12 Principles of Greener Chemistry. This product has been enhanced for catalytic efficiency. Click here for more information.
1,3-Diisopropylimidazolium chloride may be used to prepare:1,3-Diisopropylimidazole-2-thione by reacting with sulfur in the presence of potassium carbonate.(C9H7)NiCl(1,3-diisopropylimidazol-2- ylidene) by reacting with bis-indenyl nickel-(II).Ruthenium N-heterocyclic carbene complexes, which are efficient catalysts for the amidation of primary alcohols and amines. Ligand for ruthenium-catalyzed greener amide bond formation by dehydrogenative coupling of amines and alcohols.Amide Synthesis from Alcohols and Amines by the Extrusion of Dihydrogen