Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
2018/10/27 18:07:54      Complaint    Inosine
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
如果有原料需求請加QQ2355880515 或者微信17327096639,網(wǎng)址:www.njbnbiochem.com
2018/9/12 11:32:07      Complaint    Spironolactone
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
2017/8/18 9:12:52      Complaint    Maytansinol
Customer Service:  Product Quality:  Quote Speed:  Product Price:  Delivery Speed:
報價很及時,我問了很多問題都回答的很專業(yè),細(xì)心 。采購的當(dāng)天也就順豐發(fā)貨了,我之前也合作過很多家 他家真的非常不錯,后期會長期合作的!
2017/8/18 9:05:41      Complaint
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