
紹興市宏染化工有限公司 公司信息

公司名稱: 紹興市宏染化工有限公司
電話: 13758523635
網址: www.sxhrchem.com
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Dimethylol dihydroxy ethylene urea resin 2D 樹脂
Surfactant 表面活性劑
No color change fluffy soft film DYA 不變色蓬松柔軟軟片DYA
Disperse the Tibetan Green UNSE 分散藏青 UN-SE
Disperse Orange F3R 分散橙 F3R 61902-11-2
Disperse Orange S-3RFL 分散橙 S-3RFL
Disperse Orange S-4RL;C.I.Disperse Orange 30 分散橙 S-4RL
Disperse Orange SE-4RF 分散橙 SE-4RF
Disperse Orange SE-5RL 分散橙 SE-5RL
Disperse Orange 288 分散橙 SE-RH
Disperse Orange UN-SE 分散橙 UN-SE
Disperse Turquoise Blue H-GL 分散翠藍 S-GL
Disperse red BS 分散大紅 BS
Disperse Scarlet G-S 分散大紅 GS
Disperse red H4G-FS 分散大紅 H4G-FS
C.I.Disperse Red 50 分散大紅 RR
Disperse Scarlet S-3GFL 分散大紅 S-3GFL
Disperse red SR 分散大紅 S-R
Disperse Black EX-SF 分散黑 EX-SF
Disperse black ECT 分散黑 ECT
Disperse Black S-2BL 分散黑 S-2BL
Disperse Black S-3BL 分散黑 S-3BL
Decentralized black S-RN 分散黑 SRN
Disperse Red 2BL-S 分散紅 2BL-S
Disperse red AC-E 分散紅 ACE
Disperse Violet Red R 分散棗紅 B
Disperse Red BLS 分散紅 BLS
Disperse Red F3BS 分散紅 F3BS
Disperse Red FRL 分散紅 FRL 58051-98-2
Disperse red HBBL 分散紅 HBBL
Disperse red jade S-5BL 分散紅玉 S-5BL
Disperse Rubine SE-2GF 分散紅玉 SE-2GF
Disperse Rubine SE-GFL 分散紅玉 SE-GFL
Scattered Ruby UN-SE 分散紅玉 UN-SE
Disperse Yellow 6GFS;C.I.Disperse Yellow 114 分散黃 6GFS
Disperse Yellow AC-E 分散黃 ACE
Disperse yellow C-4G 分散黃 C-4G
Disperse Yellow C-5G 分散黃 C-5G 57308-41-5
Solvent Yellow 114 分散黃 E-3G 7576-65-0
Disperse Yellow E-3GL 分散黃 E-3GL
Disperse Yellow RGFL 分散黃 RGFL
Disperse Yellow S-BRL 分散黃 S-BRL
Disperse Yellow Se-4gl 分散黃 SE-4GL
Disperse yellow UN-SE 分散黃 UN-SE
Disperse Grey BL 分散灰 HBL
Disperse Grey N 分散灰 N
Dispersed blue 2BLN 分散蘭 2BLN
Disperse blue ACE 分散蘭 ACE
Dispersed blue SE-2R 分散蘭 SE-2R
Disperse Blue 2B 分散藍 2B
Disperse Blue 3GR 分散藍 3GR
Disperse Blue S-BBL 分散藍 BBLS
Disperse Blue 77 分散藍 BF-LS 20241-76-3
Disperse Blue C-4R 分散藍 C-4R
Disperse Blue CR-E 分散藍 CR-E
Disperse Blue EX-SF 分散藍 EX-SF
Disperse Navy Blue S-3BG 分散深藍 S-3BG 12239-34-8
Disperse brilliant blue UNSE 分散艷藍 UN-SE
Disperse Fluorescent Orange 2GFL 分散熒光橙 2GFL
Disperse Fluorescent Yellow 10G 分散熒光黃 10G
Disperse Fluorescent Pink BG;C.I.Disperse Pink 362 分散熒光桃紅 BG
Disperse Fluorescent Pink FBS 分散熒光桃紅 FBS
Disperse Violet B 分散紫 B
Disperse Violet CB 分散紫 CB 12236-25-8
Disperse Violet H-FRL 分散紫 HFRL
Disperse Violet S-3RL 分散紫 S-3RL 64294-88-8
Disperse Brown S-2BL 分散棕 S-2BL
Dye-fixing agent 固色劑
Dye-fixing agent Y 固色劑Y
Scouring agent 精煉劑
Detergent 凈洗劑
Detergent 209 凈洗劑209
Antistatic agent 抗靜電劑
Playan Blue RAWL 普拉艷藍RAWL
Raising agent 起毛劑
Go to the spirit 去油靈
Softener 柔軟劑
Weak acid red brown VL 弱酸紅棕VL
Tracid Cyanine 5R 弱酸深藍5R 3351-05-1
Tracid Dark Blue Gr 酸性藏青 G-R 3529-01-9
Weak acid red 10B 弱酸性紅10B
Red 2B weak acid 弱酸性紅2B
Weak acid red 3BN 弱酸性紅3BN
Tracid Bordeaux 5BL 弱酸性紅玉N-5BL 12220-29-0
Acid Yellow 219 弱酸性黃4R 71819-57-3
Acid Yellow 49 弱酸性黃GR 12239-15-5
Weak Acid Blue BRN 弱酸性艷藍BRN
Tracid Brilliant Red B 弱酸艷紅B 6416-66-6
Osmotic reagent;Penetrating agent 滲透劑
Penetrating agent JFC 滲透劑JFC
Weakly acidic yellow RXL 弱酸性黃RXL
Weak acid (Chai Lin) brilliant blue 6B 弱酸(柴林)艷藍6B
Disperse Yellow Brown S-3RL 分散棕 S-3RL
Disperse Fluor. Orange GG 分散熒光桔紅 GG
Disperse dark blue UN-SE 分散深藍 UN-SE
Disperse blue SE-3RT 分散藍 SE-3RT
Disperse Blue S-3RF 分散藍 S-3RF
Disperse Blue F2GS 分散藍 F2GS
Weak acid red FGS 弱酸性大紅FGS
Disperse Green C-6B 分散綠 C-6B
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