
Cosmo Bio USA

Firmenname:Cosmo Bio USA
URL: www.cosmobiousa.com
Produkte insgesamt:2645
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Undenatured Collagen
EpCAM mAb FRT16 (purified)
Anti PHD Finger Protein 8 (PHF8) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti DDX39 mAb (Clone 2E4)
Anti Galanin pAb (pig)
MULTIGEL II Mini 4/20 (13W)
Anti Dynein Cytoplasmic 2 Heavy Chain 1 (DYNC2H1) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Fluolid-W Yellow 540 Oligonucleotide Amine Labeling Kit
Urinary Diacetylspermidine ELISA Kit
Anti IgG3 mAb (Clone 5H9-2a)
Anti SYTL2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti PPFIA Binding Protein 1 (PPFIBP1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
50ml Resonance Rod (Corning/IWAKI tube) for CosmoSonic II
Anti Zinc Finger And BTB Domain Containing 34 (ZBTB34) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
VAChT (VAT,518-530) pAb (Rb)
CD147 mAb FRT35 (purified)
Anti SMG5 Nonsense Mediated MRNA Decay Factor (SMG5) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Keratin 12 pAb
GluD2-C (GluRδ2,897-934) pAb (GP)
Adipocyte Fluorescent Staining Kit
Anti HLA Class I-A, B, C mAb (Clone EMR8-5, HRP-conjugated)
Poly Sealer 300mm with Cutter - 120 volt
Fluoresceinamine Labeled Sodium Hyaluronate (U2)
GIP (Total) ELISA (mouse)
DPE-1020 - Acrylic Plate
Anti Carcinoembryonic Antigen Related Cell Adhesion Molecule 5 (CEACAM5/CEA) mAb (Clone 4230)
Anti DNA-Directed RNA Polymerase II Subunit RPB1 (POLR2A) CTD Phosopho-Ser2 mAb (Clone 3E7C7)
Anti PHF2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti EXPH5 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Osteopontin pAb
Anti Neuroligin 1 (NLGN1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Fish Extract for Bacteria
Anti Cubilin (CUBN) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Anti Cathepsin L2 mAb (Clone 236-2D8)
Anti DOCK10 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Stains All Gel Staining Kit
Anti GIP (Active) mAb
Anti PHD Finger Protein 24 (PHF24) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Heat Shock Protein 90 Alpha Family Class A Member 1 (HSP90AA1/HSP90-Alpha) mAb (Clone K41009)
Anti ER Membrane Protein Complex Subunit 1 (EMC1) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MTUS1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti KIAA0754 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
FFA2 (GPR43) pAb (Rb)
Paraffin Tissue Adhesive Pen (Para-Tissuer)
Real Time PCR Primer Set for Adipose - mouse
Human Collagen type I, ELISA Kit
Anti SECISBP2L pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Atelocollagen sponge Mighty
S100A9 Assay Kit (rat)
Anti TIMP 1 mAb (Clone 7-6C1)
Mannose Specific Lectin from Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas (CGL1)
Anti CNTNAP2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Homogenizer For 15ml tube (12mm/PCTFE, 15cm length)
FFA3 (GPR41) pAb (Rb)
GABAA receptor-a1 pAb (Rb)
Anti mGluR5 (Metabtropic Glutamate Receptor-5) Goat pAb
Anti Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 19 (USP19) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti ABCB9 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
CellEase Blood
HTF (Human Tubal Fluid)
SIMASIMA Unstained Broad Range Protein Ladder
Anti VPS13C pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Gelatin Zymography Kit (ATTO type: wide thick plates)
TARPγ8 pAb (GP)
Anti JMJD6 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti MT1-MMP mAb (Clone 114-6G6)
Anti Hepatis B Surface Antigen Determinant w mAb (Clone 4111)
IgG1 isotype control
Microhomogenizers for 1.5ml Microtubes (G-15S)276A
Hyaluronan Oligosaccharide 10mer (HA10)
Anti MMP 2 mAb (Clone 42-5D11)
HBV Surface Antigen (HBsAg) L-protein-ST
Anti Canine Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule 1 (NCAM1/CD56) mAb (Clone K9BYU)
Gear Plate for 50ml Tube
Porcine Fertilization Medium
Anti Oxidized ALPHA1 Antitrypsin mAb (Clone 3F4)
Glucagon-like Peptide 2 EIA (human)
Astrocyte Culture medium
Lotus tetragonolobus [Lotus] Lectin (biotin labeled)
Chondrocyte Differentiation Medium
DHEA (saliva) EIA
Anti MCM3AP pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti DNAJC6 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti 3PGDH (3-phosphoglycerate dehdrogenase) pAb
D2R (dopamine receptor-2) pAb (GP)
(BETA) Fucosyl - immobilized Gold Nanoparticles (GNP)
Fluoresceinamine Labeled Sodium Hyaluronate (U1)
Anti SIPA1L2 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Glycophorin A (MNS Blood Group) (GYPA) mAb (Clone 5399)
Anti METTL14 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Triticum vulgare [WGA] Lectin (biotin labeled)
Anti SMCHD1 pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Multi Gel Dryer Reagent (for 20 gels)
Anti BTG Anti-Proliferation Factor 4 (BTG4/IF5) pAb (Rabbit, Affinity Purified)
Schwann Cell (IFRS1) Medium
Anti Human Blood group N agglutinin mAb (Clone 5354)
IgG2a isotype control
Anti SWI/SNF-related Matrix-associated Actin-dependent Regulator of Chromatin Subfamily B Member 1 (SMARCB1/INI1/BAF47) mAb (Clone 2C2)
Anti Mex-3 RNA Binding Family Member B (MEX3B) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
Anti Spastin (SPAST) pAb (Rabbit, Purified Ig)
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