
Anyang Double Circle Auxiliary CO.,LTD

Firmenname:Anyang Double Circle Auxiliary CO.,LTD
E-Mail:ayshzj@ayshzj.com ayshzj@163.com
URL: www.ayshzj.com
Produkte insgesamt:67


CNF diffusing agent
Sodium benzyl naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensate
Benzylnaphthalenesulfonate formaldehyde condensate
FDN water reducing agent
FDN superplasticizer
M dispersant
M diffusing agent
NNO dispersant
N diffusing agent
S dispersant
2,6-DI-TERT-BUTYLNAPHTHALENE SULFONIC ACID SODIUM SALTNatriumdibutylnaphthalinsulfonat25417-20-3C18H23NaO3S
Sodium salt of polynaphthalene sulphonic acid36290-04-7C11H10O4S
MF dispersant
MF diffusing agent
NNO diffusing agent
Sodium succinate sulfonateC4H3Na3O7S
SPN water reducing agent
SULFONATED ALIPHATIC POLYESTERNatriumdioctylsulfosuccinat1639-66-3C20H39NaO7S
Dispersant M
Diffusing agent NNOC21H14Na2O6S2
Slushing agent for concrete
Sodium methylnaphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensate
Naphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensate
Succinate sulfonateC4H3O7S-3
Dispersing agent S
Mixture of polyoxyethylene ether oleate
Phenol derivative sodium sulfonate formaldehyde condensate
Coal water slurry dispersant M
Butylnaphtalenesulfonic Acid Sodium SaltNatriumbutylnaphthalinsulfonat25638-17-9C14H15NaO2S
High efficiency water reducer SPN
Water reducing agent FH2O
dispersing agent CNF[C36H26Na2O6S2]n
Diffusion agent NNO
Sodium poly[(naphthaleneformaldehyde)sulfonate]9084-06-4(C11H7O4SNa)n
Lignin Sulfonate
CWS dispersants NC
Coal water slurry diffusing agent M
Coal water slurry diffusing agent NC
Penetrating agent
Coal water slurry dispersant MC
Coal water slurry additive M
N dispersant
SPN superplasticizer
Dustproof agent FC-3
Dispersing agent CNF
Phenol derivatives, sulfonate formaldehyde condensate
Methylnaphthalene sulfonate formaldehyde condensate
Slushing agent
Water reducing agent SPNH2O
Rapid Panetrant T
Sodium lignosulfonate8061-51-6C20H24Na2O10S2
Sodium 2-naphthalenesulfonateNatriumnaphthalin-2-sulfonat532-02-5C10H7NaO3S
Coal water slurry diffusing agent MC
CNF dispersant
S diffusing agent
Slushing agent,high efficiency
Water reducing agent SH2O
Diffusion agent M
Coal water slurry additive NC
Diffusion agent S
Dust-proof agent
High efficiency water reducer S
Water reducing agent FDNH2O
High efficiency slushing agent FDN
Coal water slurry additive MC
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