
無錫傲銳東源生物科技有限公司 公司信息

公司名稱: 無錫傲銳東源生物科技有限公司
電話: 01-1-888-267-4436
網(wǎng)址: www.origene.com.cn


gag Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OTIR1G3]
CD1 (CD1D) Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Cyclin C (CCNC) (NM_005190) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Dysferlin (DYSF) (NM_001130978) Human Tagged ORF Clone
E030037K03Rik Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 319836)
GNL3LP1 Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_024994)
Beta-casein (16-226, His-tag) Human Protein
ZDHHC15 (NM_144969) Human Untagged Clone
ACBD3 (NM_022735) Human Untagged Clone
Dnm1 (BC034679) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Pnpla2 (NM_025802) Mouse Untagged Clone
HCT116/EGFR_dE746-A750 Heterozygote cell line, with spike-in
Tpd52 Mouse qPCR Template Standard (NM_009412)
Exoc6b (NM_001109246) Rat Untagged Clone
Ephrin A2 (EFNA2) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI2C6]
Ramp2 (NM_019444) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Ripk4 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Human LAS1L (NM_001170650) AAV Particle
Taf1a Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
ANKK1 Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 255239)
Itga8 Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001001309)
Tmem132d (NM_172885) Mouse Untagged Clone
TNIK Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_015028)
TCTN1 (NM_001173976) Human Untagged Clone
HOXA5 Human Recombinant Protein
ZNF449 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OTI5F6]
Kcna3 (NM_019270) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Olfr1034 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
PSMD13 (NM_002817) Human Mass Spec Standard
JRK (NM_001077527) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
ARL17B (ARL17A) Human qPCR Primer Pair (AF119889)
IL18BP (NM_001145055) Human Untagged Clone
RPB2 (POLR2B) (NM_000938) Human Tagged ORF Clone
KBTBD7 (NM_032138) Human 3' UTR Clone
MFAP3 (NM_001135037) Human Tagged ORF Clone
CAMK2B Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_172081)
FEN1 (NM_004111) Human Mass Spec Standard
SOHLH2 (NM_001282147) Human Untagged Clone
GOLM2 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Human SLC25A33 activation kit by CRISPRa
Ddx19b (NM_001190800) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Tcl1 (TCL1A) (NM_021966) Human 3' UTR Clone
RGS2 CytoSection
Gorab (NM_178883) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
FGF14 Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 2259)
Olr1185 (NM_001000982) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Epac1 (RAPGEF3) (NM_006105) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
RAB43 (NM_001204886) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Lrrc24 (NM_001135896) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
C17orf59 (BORCS6) (NM_017622) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Mouse Aggf1 activation kit by CRISPRa
Mouse D830013O20Rik activation kit by CRISPRa
Prion protein PrP (PRNP) (NM_001080121) Human 3' UTR Clone
Atp6v0e (NM_025272) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
GLO1 (NM_006708) Human 3' UTR Clone
ACAA2 Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_006111)
CCDC93 CytoSection
Fkbp9 (NM_001007646) Rat Untagged Clone
UGT8 Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 7368)
Arhgdib (NM_001009600) Rat Untagged Clone
Plunc (BPIFA1) (NM_016583) Human Untagged Clone
SEC24C (NM_198597) Human Tagged ORF Clone
P3h2 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 210530)
Bsph2 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
PLCXD1 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (HRP conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI8C4]
Surf6 (NM_009298) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
PSP (REG1A) Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 5967)
MSLNL Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001025190)
C16orf86 Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 388284)
SPAG11B (NM_016512) Human Untagged Clone
Zdhhc9 Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 302808)
Mageh1 (NM_001013250) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
IL31RA (NM_139017) Human Untagged Clone
Xrcc2 (NM_020570) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Tmem91 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 320208)
MAX (NM_145116) Human Mass Spec Standard
ACBD4 (NM_001135705) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Gm17019 (NM_182957) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Cldn19 (NM_153105) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Human CUX1 (NM_001202546) AAV Particle
Zfp637 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Spi1 (NM_001005892) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
FTS (AKTIP) (NM_022476) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Clcn3 (NM_173874) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Krt40 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 406221)
Cmc2 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Mouse Snhg20 activation kit by CRISPRa
GBA2 (NM_020944) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
WDR6 (NM_018031) Human Tagged ORF Clone
PLEKHA9 (PLEKHA8P1) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_015899)
S100Z (NM_130772) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Ninjurin 1 (NINJ1) Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 4814)
Nr2e3 (NM_013708) Mouse Untagged Clone
MXI1 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Cdca3 (NM_001007648) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Naprt Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 223646)
LOC441743 Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001045548)
Sfmbt2 (NM_177386) Mouse Recombinant Protein
Hps6 (NM_176785) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Polink-1 HRP with Goat DAB 6ml Kit
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