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OriGene Technologies, Inc 企業(yè)の連絡(luò)先情報(bào)

名前:OriGene Technologies, Inc


Tars (NM_001006976) Rat Untagged Clone
BCL7B (NM_001197244) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Srp19 (NM_001106157) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
NR2F6 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI2C9]
Olfr1260 Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 258983)
CDCA4 (NM_017955) Human 3' UTR Clone
GCIP interacting protein p29 (SYF2) Goat Polyclonal Antibody
RPL7A (NM_000972) Human Recombinant Protein
Rbm10 Rat shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 64510)
Kars (NM_053092) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
IGSF11 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI2A5]
Lmod2 (NM_053098) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Sntg2 (NM_001106720) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Nr2c2ap Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_001025586)
RNF182 (NM_001165033) Human Untagged Clone
Glycogenin 1 (GYG1) Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 2992)
KLHDC3 (BC009460) Human Untagged Clone
Lamin A (LMNA) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OTI2G1]
AI413582 (BC028464) Mouse Untagged Clone
Gps1 (NM_053969) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Gnmt (NM_017084) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Cdadc1 (NM_001012156) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Tsga10 (NM_001030022) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Bloc1s6 (NM_019788) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Pim2 (NM_138606) Mouse Untagged Clone
Cyp2c29 Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 13095)
Kcnj8 Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 16523)
R3HDM4 (NM_138774) Human Mass Spec Standard
FYB1 (NM_199335) Human Tagged ORF Clone
DGKA (NM_201445) Human Recombinant Protein
ZNF665 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
BMERB1 (NM_033201) Human Untagged Clone
OR4D1 (NM_012374) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
LONRF1 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Apol8 (NM_001081970) Mouse Untagged Clone
JNK2 (MAPK9) (NM_139068) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
AP3M2 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
FAM90A10P Human siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 441328)
Slc25a36 (NM_138756) Mouse Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Tnrc6a (NM_001107549) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Cannabinoid Receptor I (CNR1) (NM_016083) Human Tagged ORF Clone
MS4A12 (NM_017716) Human 3' UTR Clone
Arfip1 (NM_001293801) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Zc3hav1 Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 252832)
UBE2Q2L (NM_001243531) Human Untagged Clone
Kindlin (FERMT1) Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_017671)
HRH4 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Atp1b3 Rat shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 25390)
Pip5kl1 Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_198191)
Necap2 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
VDAC2 Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_003375)
WDR35 (NM_020779) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
C9orf163 Human qPCR Primer Pair (NM_152571)
GLT25D1 (COLGALT1) Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_024656)
Pitrm1 Mouse siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 69617)
ELL2 (C-term) Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
SERAC1 Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
TROY (TNFRSF19) (NM_001204459) Human Tagged ORF Clone
STK32C Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
SIRPG Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OX117]
Tpp2 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Snu13 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Glypican 5 (GPC5) (NM_004466) Human Mass Spec Standard
PRMT1 CytoSection
ITPKA (NM_002220) Human Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
DHX29 (NM_019030) Human Tagged ORF Clone
Human Transglutaminase 5 (TGM5) (NM_201631) AAV Particle
Alkbh7 Mouse Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Tbccd1 (NM_001012016) Rat Untagged Clone
KCNG3 (NM_133329) Human 3' UTR Clone
CHD7 (NM_017780) Human Untagged Clone
Rraga Mouse shRNA Plasmid (Locus ID 68441)
Mouse Ly9 activation kit by CRISPRa
ECE2 (EEF1AKMT4) (NM_001100120) Human Untagged Clone
ENC1 CytoSection
POM121L9P Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 29774)
Rnf10 (NM_016698) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Tryptophan Hydroxylase (TPH1) (NM_004179) Human Mass Spec Standard
EXD2 Human shRNA Plasmid Kit (Locus ID 55218)
Gem Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_010276)
TNFRSF19L (RELT) Human qPCR Template Standard (NM_152222)
Smarca5 Rat siRNA Oligo Duplex (Locus ID 307766)
DU145 human prostate carcinoma cancer cell line dual-labeled with luciferase and GFP
Olr1576 (NM_001000499) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Apopt1 (NM_001037769) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
MS4A12 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (Biotin conjugated) [Clone ID: OTI5F5]
Human WIZ activation kit by CRISPRa
BAG1 (NM_004323) Human Untagged Clone
Calprotectin (S100A9) Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: OTI8G1]
Wilms Tumor Protein (WT1) (NM_000378) Human Recombinant Protein
Sctr (NM_031115) Rat Tagged Lenti ORF Clone
Mertk (NM_008587) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
BD2 (DEFB4A) Human Gene Knockout Kit (CRISPR)
Slf1 (NM_001106400) Rat Tagged ORF Clone
Zfp30 (NM_013705) Mouse Tagged ORF Clone
Olfr846 Mouse qPCR Primer Pair (NM_146282)
MRPS34 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody [Clone ID: UMAB125]
HIST1H2AH (NM_080596) Human Recombinant Protein
C6orf136 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody
WASH complex subunit 7 (WASHC4) (NM_015275) Human Tagged ORF Clone
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